SEMARANG - 206,302 Koran and madrasah diniyah (mad) teachers receive incentives from the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, amounting to IDR 1.2 million per year. Throughout 2022, Ganjar has spent a budget of IDR 247.6 billion on incentives for Koran and madin teachers.

Since the beginning of the program in 2019, Koran and madin teachers who receive incentives continue to increase every year. In 2019, 171,131 Koran teachers and madins received incentives. That number increased to 204,125 in 2020 and increased again in 2021 to 205,655 recipients.

Ganjar said the incentive was a commitment to the welfare of religious teachers. At the end of 2022, Ganjar accelerates budget absorption so that incentives are channeled.

"At the end of the year we boosted everything. Anyway, the OPD-OPD which is still red, not finished, now we are boosted. We can pursue several things, we can pursue them. Including the execution (incentives of Koran teachers and madins)," said Ganjar, Thursday, December 29.

The former member of the Indonesian House of Representatives said that budget absorption is not difficult to do with professional bureaucracy. In the last two weeks, the PDI-P politician has continued to boost budget absorption from other programs.

"So we are chasing this, there are still a few days. So it has been two weeks of chasing it every day, budget absorption including income," Ganjar continued in his statement.

The two-term Central Java governor said the absorption was almost complete. He revealed that currently the absorption has reached more than 80 percent and the revenue is around 97 percent. Ganjar will maximize the remaining time to maximize budget absorption.

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