The YOGYAKARTA Admiral Inspection is one of the traditions within the Indonesian Navy which was carried out before the leadership command stick was handed over.

On the evening of Wednesday, December 28, 2022, TNI Commander Admiral Yudo Margono conducted a Admiral Inspection or inspection of troops to all Indonesian Navy combat forces which was held at Sundanese Pier, Pondok Rowing, North Jakarta.

Reporting from the page, Admiral Inspection is one of the traditions within the Indonesian Navy which is carried out to check the readiness of elements of the Indonesian Navy for the last time, before the leadership command stick is handed over.

During the inspection of the troops which was held on Wednesday evening, the administrative inspection was carried out by examining the readiness of elements of the Indonesian Navy warship.

The Adminal Inspection was carried out using KAL Yudhistira with a shipping route from Kolinlamil Pier to Sunda Pondok Rowing Pier.

When he arrived at Pondok Rowing Pier, Admiral Yudo was greeted with "Gun Salute" shots from KRI Silas Papare-386 and KRI Sultan Taha Syaefudin-376 twice.

At the same time, KAL Yudistira received respect and a roller parade by KRI crew members, followed by performing chants and singing Gending titled Jalesveva Jayamahe.

Next, the TNI and Kasal Commanders who have just carried out the Ranpur Marine and Passusla Inspection (Denjaka, Taifib, Kopaska, Koppeba, Aviation, and Submarines).

Admiral Inspection Orders the Substitution of Command

TNI Commander Admiral Yudo Margono said Admiral Inspection is a tradition of the Indonesian Navy in carrying out its leadership handover, both the handover of the KSAL and the handover of the Fleet Commander.

"We are reviewing our elements, reviewing the special troops that have been deployed. Both the planes and then the Marines, the KRI, and the base," said Yudo, directed by VOI from the page, Thursday, December 29, 2022.

Not only that, the integrated fleet (SSAT) weapon system, which is a unit of the Indonesian Navy's strength, was also checked.

"With this and I say goodbye to them, of course, they have carried out their duties with me well. Yes, we will leave it to the new Kasal Admiral Muhammad Ali," said Yudo.

In front of Indonesian Navy soldiers at the Pondok Rowing pier, the TNI Commander expressed his gratitude to all the soldiers who had carried out their duties well. The Jalasena Samudra soldiers are soldiers who have special abilities who always face waves at sea.

TNI Admiral Yudo Margono advised all soldiers of Jalasena Samudera to continue to be professional in carrying out their duties and maintaining national sovereignty, unity and integrity.

"Implement the task well, never give up, never back down, and the level of professionalism that has been owned so far, and maintain sovereignty, maintain unity and integrity. You are Indonesian Navy soldiers who have trust in the community," said the TNI Commander.

Yudo added, Admiral Inspection is also an expression of the end of his duties as Chief of Naval Staff (KSAL) and replaced by TNI Admiral Muhammad Ali who has been appointed by President Ir. Joko Widodo at the State Palace.

"So this way, at the same time I said goodbye to them. Of course they have carried out their duties so far with me well," he concluded.

Meanwhile, Admiral Muhammad Ali emphasized that he continued the policy of Admiral Yudo Margono when leading the Indonesian Navy which was already very advanced.

"I will certainly continue and develop, at least the same or even better if it is supported by good cooperation," said Ali.

That is information about the administrative inspection carried out by the TNI Commander Admiral Yudo Margono. Admiral Inspection is a tradition within the TNI Al which is a sign of changing command.

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