JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo and TNI Commander Admiral Yudo Margono are embedded with the Red Beret and Brevet Command of the elite Kopassus troops. This is also said to further strengthen the synergjtas of the TNI-Polri, especially in protecting the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

"Of course this will strengthen and increase solidity and synergy between the TNI and Polri," said Sigit at the Cijantung Kopassus Mako, East Jakarta, Tuesday, December 27.

In addition, the helm of Koprs Bhayangkara emphasized that there is no doubt about the commitment to synergy and solidity of the TNI-Polri. These two agencies will work hand in hand to maintain the safety of the state, nation, and people of Indonesia from any threat.

"So talking about synergy, and solidity, of course, there is no need to doubt it. And we, the TNI-Polri, are ready to guard and protect the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, maintain the enemies of the country, keep the country's sovereignty, state security to truly achieve national goals," said Sigit.

"Therefore, whoever is the enemy of the TNI, that is the enemy of the Police, who is a friend of the TNI is a friend of the Police, and the TNI-Polri are ready to guard and secure the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia," he continued.

In fact, on that occasion, Sigit had mentioned that his body was flowing blood from the TNI. Because his grandfather and father were soldiers.

"So it is necessary for colleagues to know my grandfather, used to be a TKR and then become an Army (AD). My father, the Indonesian Air Force (AU). I became a police officer and is currently the National Police Chief. But in my blood I flowed from the TNI," he said.

In addition, TNI Commander Admiral Yudo Margono said that Kopassus' ability would be taken into consideration in taking policies as TNI Commander, especially in handling conflict areas.

"With what has been shown, their professionalism in carrying out tasks that will later become my provision for carrying out future tasks in mobilizing strength, in carrying out future operations. This is my provision, it is my input to plan future tasks, especially in conflict areas," said Yudo.

Then, said Yudo, the best Kopassus soldier who has high professionalism and combat capabilities will be deployed to safeguard the sovereignty of the Indonesian nation.

"Of course, to support the main task of the TNI in mobilizing the forces of guarding that the President has ordered to maintain sovereignty, maintain national unity and integrity. And also maintain that the TNI has high trust in society. This is of course a provision for us together with me to see or be present at the Mako Kopassus today," said Yudo.

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