Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives Abdul Muhaimin Iskandar regretted the viral video incident regarding the alleged prohibition of Christmas worship by a number of residents in Sukaraja District, Bogor Regency, West Java.

The politician who is familiarly called Gus Muhaimin stated that religion is the right of every citizen of the nation. Thus, there should be no coercion, let alone prohibition in every religious activity.

"There should be no coercion and prohibition in religion. Let each religion carry out worship according to religion and belief," said Gus Muhaimin in his statement, Tuesday, December 27.

The man who is the General Chair of the National Awakening Party (PKB) stated that the freedom to embrace and carry out worship in accordance with their respective beliefs is a concrete manifestation of Indonesia's diversity.

"This is the essence of Indonesia's diversity. We must become a harmonious and peaceful nation. Religion is not divisive, but religion is unifying," said the legislator of the East Java VIII electoral district.

Previously, Bogor Police Chief AKBP Iman Imanuddin had given an explanation regarding the rejection of Christmas services at a resident's house located in Cilebut Barat Village, Sukaraja, Bogor Regency, West Java.

"The rejection was carried out by a number of residents living in the vicinity of a private house which was used as a place of Christmas worship by the HKBP Bethlehem Cilebut Parmingion congregation," said AKBP Iman.

The police and the TNI managed to provide security until the Christmas worship process was completed and mediated between the two parties who clashed on Sunday (25/12).

Iman explained that the place used to worship is not a church, but a private residence. Initially, this condition was understood by local residents, provided that they did not bring in the congregation from outside.

"However, the owner of the house invited the congregation from outside and informed others that the place was a church until it arrived, that was what the residents objected to," said Iman.

The police chief said that the community and local figures had also given the opportunity to the person concerned by preparing infrastructure in the form of transportation to worship at the nearest church.

"However, the owner of the house remains adamant and insists on holding it by bringing in congregations from outside the region or outside the city, some from Depok and others. So that then it becomes a little friction," he explained.

Now, both parties have agreed through a letter of agreement that the owner of the house used for the Christmas service in the future is only allowed to hold family worship.

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