JAKARTA - Christmas and New Year holidays can teach tourism and family gatherings. One thing that needs to be controlled is the intake of guila in the body.

Clinical Nutrition Specialist at Pondok Indah Hospital - Pondok Indah dr. Juwalita Surapsari, M.Gzi, Sp.GK reminded people to regulate sugar intake, one of which is starting to get used to reducing the addition of soy sauce or excessive sauce to food.

"However, soy sauce and bottled sauce also contain additional sugar," he said, quoted from ANTARA, Friday, December 25.

Based on the recommendation of the Ministry of Health through Permenkes Number 30 of 2013, a person's sugar consumption limit in a day is 10 percent of the total required energy or 200 kilocalories per day. This means that a person's sugar consumption in a day is a maximum of 50 grams per day or the equivalent of four tablespoons. Meanwhile, the limit on sugar consumption for children is about 25 grams per day or the equivalent of two tablespoons.

Sugar consumed inadequately can endanger health. In addition to providing an addiction effect, excessive sugar consumption can also cause a number of diseases, including dental caries, obesity, fatty liver and diabetes.

According to Juwalita, if it becomes a habit, then controlling yourself from the intake of additional sugar will be easier. This habit, he continued, can also be started by asking for drinks without sugar or a little sugar when ordering coffee milk, milk tea, or other contemporary drinks.

"You can start to control yourself from consuming sweet foods and drinks too often which is actually not really needed for snacks," said Juwalita.

Then, to control themselves from additional sugar intake, Juwalita also advised people to start paying attention to the nutritional information labels listed on menus or packaging.

Although not all non-packaging foods and drinks have this nutritional information, at least people can estimate the additional sugar content contained in food and drinks. This of course can help you set boundaries for daily sugar intake.

In addition to paying attention to the nutritional information label, regulating sugar intake also needs to be accompanied by the application of a healthy lifestyle in order to anticipate the bad effects that may occur. Healthy lifestyles include regular exercise, balanced nutrition consumption, proper stress management, to adequate rest.

"Start a healthy lifestyle as soon as possible without waiting for the new year to enter. Don't hesitate to consult your condition with a clinical nutrition specialist if you have difficulty managing balanced nutritional intake according to your daily life," said Juwalita.

He also advised people to start looking for low- sugar dessert alternatives, such as fresh fruit, yogurt, or low-fat milk.

Currently, the choice of types of food and beverages is increasingly diverse. For snacks, there are choices of food and drinks rich in fiber and protein so that they can be more filling and stay healthy for the body.

These dishes include snack bars, processed Chia seeds or chia seeds, nuts, low-fat milk and low- sugar fruit such as heating, rasberi, apples, oranges, and uries.

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