People who want to visit Ragunan Wildlife Park are advised to use public transportation during the Christmas and New Year 2023 holidays. This is to prevent severe congestion.

The management of the Ragunan Wildlife Park, South Jakarta, said that there are several alternative public transportation that can be used.

"We, the management, urge and expect the public to use public transportation," said Ragunan Wildlife Park Service and Public Relations Staff, Wahyudi Bambang, as quoted by Antara, Sunday, December 25.

"We have TransJakarta, transportation with direct access to Ragunan. This is very useful to help reduce traffic congestion," he continued.

In this 2022 Christmas holiday, according to Bambang, the increasing number of vehicles used by the community to Ragunan, especially private cars, was due to daily weather conditions that were dominated by rain. Thus, traffic jams occur along Jalan Harsono RM to Ragunan Wildlife Park.

So far, Bambang said, Ragunan's side, assisted by the police, continues to try to reduce traffic congestion to the tourist attraction during the Christmas holidays and ahead of the 2023 New Year by carrying out traffic engineering.

"Our maximum effort is like continuing to be assisted by the police in the event of traffic jams. Usually, the police will carry out traffic engineering. We have two entrances, namely north and west. So, if one of them is already congested, it will be directed to the other door," said Bambang.

During this year's Christmas holiday, as of 11.00 WIB, Bambang said there had been 27,882 visitors visiting Ragunan. He then also conveyed that 27,882 visitors were carrying 2,810 two-wheeled vehicles, 1,675 four-wheeled vehicles, 56 buses, and 61 bicycles.

Bambang predicts that the number of visitors will continue to increase, even reaching more than 50,000 visitors until the Ragunan Wildlife Park is closed at 16.00 WIB.

"It is predicted that there will be more than 50 thousand visitors. In fact, later in the New Year 2023 it is predicted to be the peak," he said.

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