JAKARTA - The Christmas Mass at the Jakarta Cathedral Church took place solemnly. This evening Mass is said to feel special because it was led by the Head of the Jakarta Cathedral Church, Father Albertus Hani Rudi Hartoko.

According to VOI monitoring, the congregation has filled the room in the church since 18.00 WIB. Meanwhile, there are also other congregations who attend worship in the church yard. The committee has prepared seats and tents in the area.

Seen thousands of congregations, following a solemn procession. The congregation seemed to fill all parts of the Cathedral Church from the courtyard to the inside. They joined Romo compactly to sing praises.

This is the Mass of the second session which started at 19.00 WIB. Next Mass will be held at 21.30 WIB. The head of the Jakarta Cathedral Church, Father Albertus Hani Rudi Hartoko, opened the 2022 Christmas Mass at night.

Good night dear brother, Merry Christmas to all of us, I hope everyone is healthy. Tonight we are still during the pandemic. This is what we most ask, we are still in a pandemic, hopefully we will all get out of this situation," said Father Albertus during the Christmas Mass procession at the Cathedral Church, Jakarta, Saturday, December 24.

"And we are sure that in the future it will be better. Hopefully it will endemic soon," he concluded.

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