JAKARTA - The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) warned that former DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan, who will run in the 2024 presidential election, will be thwarted through a case of alleged corruption in Formula E. PKS ensured that the Indonesian people would not remain silent if Anies was named a suspect in the case.

This was conveyed by PKS spokesman Pipin Sopian, responding to the results of the Voxpol Center Research and Consulting survey regarding Anies Baswedan and the alleged corruption case in the implementation of Formula E in DKI Jakarta which was released on Friday, December 23, yesterday.

"I think (if Anies is thwarted, ed), the people will not remain silent," Pipin told reporters after attending the Voxpol Center survey in Pancoran, Jakarta, Friday, December 23. Pipin suspects that certain parties are trying to criminalize Anies Baswedan, who will also be a presidential candidate from the NasDem Party, so as not to compete in the upcoming five-year democratic party. However, he said, the public actually felt Anies was tackled by dragging him to the alleged corruption case of Formula E. Because many people do not agree Anies is associated with this case.

"In the results of the Voxpol survey, they don't want it, they don't agree with the irregularity, and they don't agree with the Formula E case to drag Anies Baswedan," he explained. "I think everyone should be careful we are of course law enforcement is not a tool of power to tackle anyone. So please enforce the law but don't look for mistakes," said Pipin. According to Pipin, while serving as governor of Jakarta, Anies has carried out his duties well. He agrees with the results of the Voxpol survey that Formula E makes Indonesia proud. "Our homework is numerous and if we look at the survey, the slump in the current era of democracy in law enforcement. This should be an evaluation that the people really want change and we see that we should not play games in enforcing the law," concluded Pipin. Previously, the results of the Voxpol Center Research and Consulting survey, stated that the majority of the public did not agree if the NasDem Party presidential candidate Anies Baswedan was named a suspect in the alleged corruption case Formula E. Executive Director of the Voxpol Center Research and Consulting, Pangi Syarwi Chaniago, explained as many as 45.8 public stated that they disagreed and 9.5 percent said strongly disagreed.

"As many as 55.3 percent of the public disagrees with Anies Rasyid Baswedan being named a suspect in the Formula E case," Pangi said in a presentation on the results of a survey in Jakarta, Friday, December 23. Meanwhile, as many as 18.5 percent of the public admitted that they agreed that Anies was made a suspect. Pangi also said that 50.3 percent of the public admitted that they did not believe that Anies had committed a criminal act of corruption. Meanwhile, only 17 percent of the public believed it.

The survey also showed that as many as 61.9 percent of the public considered the implementation of Formula E to be successful.

"A total of 74 percent of the public considers organizing this event to make Indonesia proud in the international world," Pangi said. The National Voxpol Center Research & Consulting survey was conducted on October 22 - November 7, 2022, involving 1,220 respondents in 34 provinces throughout Indonesia face-to-face using a questionnaire by interviewers who have been trained. The survey uses a multistage random sampling method through two stages, namely systematic random sampling in choosing TPS and systematic random sampling in selecting respondents from DPT. Margin of survey error +/- 2.81 percent.

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