JAKARTA - The Kerupuk Factory in North Petukangan, Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta caught fire. Allegedly due to a gas cylinder leak. Staff of the Operations Section of the South Jakarta Fire and Rescue Service Sub-dept. Ruwanto said the report was received on Friday, December 23 at 08.05 WIB. It is true that a fire broke out, a cracker factory on Jalan Masjid RT.09/10 Kel. North carpentry, Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta," said Ruwanto in his statement, Friday, December 23. Ruwanto explained that the incident began when a factory employee, Hendi (22) was in the middle of a raw cracker. However, suddenly the gas from the factory leaked, then caused a fire and immediately grew.

"Already trying to extinguish it but the fire is getting bigger. Other employees are trying to move the crackers that have not caught fire and move the items that can still be saved," he said. Ruwanto said there were 11 firefighters and 65 personnel deployed to extinguish the fire from the factory. Initially at 08.20 WIB. Then it was declared extinguished at 09.30 WIB, he said. There were no casualties in the contents. However, for material losses it reached Rp. 700 million. The loss is estimated at Rp. 700 million," he concluded.

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