JAKARTA - Political researcher from the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Siti Zuharo, assessed that the campaign to go directly to the constituents could not be removed even though now the community is being hit and exposed to many digital channels.

"Because of that political party, the elite is aware that this land operation is still needed. So offline meetings, directly with the community, are still needed for things that cannot be overcome with digital, virtual options," said Siti Zuhro, Wednesday, December 21.

Zuhro realized the importance of this in the midst of the fact that Indonesia is indeed in the phase of entering the transition period of the digital era. He emphasized that fast-growing social and digital media as a means of spreading information in Indonesia still has not been able to beat campaigns directly to the field.

According to him, face-to-face meetings can immediately reveal the feedback. The party's elite, he said, could also read the faces or sincerity of their cadres or constituents in the electoral district.

At the same time seeing the mimik, so everything, the look on the face. Now it's different, maybe because we're used to offline models, but for almost 3 years we've been doing more digital, hybrid models, but now it's starting to develop even more into face-to-face meetings," explained Zuhro.

It is known, as many as 17 political parties have been designated by the KPU as participants in the 2024 General Election. Some parties have also conducted socialization to regions, including informing vision and mission.

For example, the NasDem Party has carried out a political safari against its presidential candidate, Anies Baswedan. Then also the Golkar Party went directly to the regions during a recruitment activity for new members called the Land Operations Force in three urban villages throughout Bandar Lampung City.

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