The Population and Civil Registration Service (Dukcapil) revealed that the blank electronic identity card (e-KTP) in Mataram is still empty. As a result, Dukcapil has not been able to record until now.

"The blank electronic KTP sign has been around since early December 2022. Therefore, today I picked up the ball to ask the Director General of Administration and Population of the Ministry of Home Affairs in Jakarta, but it turned out to be empty," said Secretary of the Dukcapil Office of Mataram City H Hasmin confirmed Tuesday, December 20.

He said, to get around the vacancy for e-KTP blanks, Dukcapil offered two solutions using a temporary identity card (suket) or implement a digital identity application for people who need ID cards.

"It's just that, for the period of validity, it's very short, namely only until January 2023, it's no longer like before which can be up to six months," he said.

Related to that, he continued, people who need e-KTP are advised to use a second solution with easier and more practical digital identity applications.

"However, on average, people who have recorded choose to wait for the blanks to arrive and temporarily bring a counter as a temporary identity card," he said.

Therefore, he explained, the government is expected to immediately prepare electronic ID cards so that various needs for population documents for Mataram residents can be met.

Hasmin said the use of electronic ID cards so far is mostly for replacement due to changes in biodata, such as moving, changing photos, and changing status. "The most necessary needs are for changes in biodata," he said.

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