JAKARTA - The Ministry of Religion regulates that the offline Christmas worship can be attended by 100 percent of the congregation. If the capacity is booming and wants to add tents, follow the following rules.

"The number of pilgrims who take part in worship activities at the 2022 Christmas Celebration offline is a maximum of 100% (one hundred percent) of the room's capacity. The implementation still has to implement strict health protocols," explained Ministry of Religion Spokesperson Anna Hasbie, Tuesday, December 20.

If the congregation exceeds the maximum capacity, the committee may increase the capacity of the congregation's worship room/number by utilizing permanent spaces that already exist outside the main church building. But still inside the church complex.

The increase in the capacity of worship rooms/numbers of worshipers using additional/non-permanent equipment in the form of tents or other forms is adjusted to the maximum limit of the area occupied and inside the church complex.

"Adding the capacity of worship rooms/numbers of worshipers outside the church complex can be done after obtaining permission from the local regional police and coordinating with the local COVID-19 Handling Task Force," said Anna.

Plt. Director General of Catholic Bimas AM Adiyarto Sumardjono added that Circular Letter Number SE. 15 of 2022 dated December 19, 2022, was issued to provide a sense of security and comfort to the community in organizing the 2022 Christmas Celebration and preventing, tackling, and breaking the chain of spread of COVID-19.

"This circular is part and concern of the Minister of Religion so that Christian worship rights are still fulfilled and the Christmas worship process can run safely and comfortably," he said.

The same thing was conveyed by the Director General of Christian Guidance Jeane Marie Tulung. He hopes Christians can adjust the 2022 Christmas Worship Celebration in accordance with the circular of the Minister of Religion.

"Of course it is our hope that Christians can carry out Christmas services safely, smoothly, and comfortably," he said.

1. Implement tightening and supervising health protocols in churches/places that function as places of worship by imposing policies in accordance with the Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) level 1 (one).

2. Churches form a COVID-19 Handling Health Protocol Task Force in coordination with the local Covid-19 Handling Task Force.

3. Christmas celebrations and the implementation of worship:

a. should be done simply and modestly;

b. carried out in churches offline, online, or hybrid;

c. the number of pilgrims participating in worship activities in the 2022 Christmas Celebration offline is a maximum of 100% (one hundred percent) of the room's capacity by implementing stricter health protocols;

d. increase the capacity of worship rooms/numbers of worshipers to take advantage of the permanent space that already exists outside the main church building inside the church complex;

e. increasing the capacity of worship rooms/numbers of worshipers using additional/non-permanent equipment in the form of tents or other forms is adjusted to the maximum limit of the area occupied and inside the church complex; and

f. increasing the capacity of worship rooms/numbers of worshipers outside the church complex can be done after obtaining permission from the local regional police and coordinating with the local Covid-19 Handling Task Force.

4. In carrying out worship at the 2022 Christmas Celebration, church administrators and managers are required to:

a. providing officers to inform and supervise the implementation of the 5M Health Protocol;

b. provide a temperature check device at the entrance for all church users;

c. carry out body temperature checks for each congregation using a body temperature measuring device (thermogun);

d. provide hand sanitizers and facilities for washing hands using soap with running water at the entrance and exit of the church;

e. carry out regular cleaning and disinfection in the church area;

f. regulate the flow of congregational mobility and entrances (entrance) and church exites to facilitate the implementation and supervision of health protocols;

g. make arrangements for the number of church congregations who gather at the same time, to facilitate social distancing restrictions;

h. provide a backup of masks;

i. prohibiting congregants with unhealthy conditions from participating in worship activities;

j. suggest to congregants aged 60 (sixty) years and over and pregnant/admitting mothers to attend worship online;

k. suggested that the collection bag be placed in a certain place and not circulated;

l. ensure that there are no crowds before and after the implementation of worship activities by regulating the access to and from the congregation;

m. ensure that churches or places of worship have good air circulation and sunlight can enter and if using air conditioner (AC) must be cleaned regularly;

n. ensure that the sermons meet the following conditions:

1) pastors, priests, or clergy wear masks properly and correctly; and

2) pastors, priests, or clergy remind the congregation to always maintain health and comply with health protocols.

5. Participants of the 2022 Christmas Celebration are required:

a. use a mask properly and correctly;

b. maintain hand hygiene by washing hands using running water or using hand sanitizer;

c. in good health (body temperature below 37 degrees Celsius);

d. not currently undergoing self-isolation;

e. bring their respective worship equipment; and

f. avoiding physical contact or shaking hands.

6. Asked not to conduct parades or processions in the context of the 2022 Christmas Celebration. 7. Middle and Primary High Leadership Officials at the Ministry of Religion perform:

a. socialization and education of health protocols;

b. monitoring of the 2022 Christmas Celebration at the central level;

c. coordination with ministry/institutional leaders, TNI/Polri leaders, leaders of State-Owned Enterprises, Covid-19 Handling Task Force as well as community and religious leaders at the central level; and

d. reporting the results of monitoring to the Minister of Religion through the Secretary General of the Ministry of Religion periodically/at times.

8. Chancellor/Chairman of Christian and Catholic Religious Universities, Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of the Province, Head of the Regency/City Ministry of Religion Office, Christian and Catholic Religious Education Units, and Christian and Catholic Religious Extensioners to conduct:

a. socialization and education of health protocols;

b. monitoring of the 2022 Christmas Celebration at local government agencies at the provincial, district/city, sub-district, and village/village levels as well as Regional or Village-Owned Enterprises;

c. coordination with governors, regents/mayors, sub-district heads, village heads/ Village heads, local TNI/Polri leaders, leaders of Regional or Village-Owned Enterprises, Covid-19 Handling Task Force as well as community leaders and religious leaders at the regional level;

d. reporting the results of monitoring by the Head of the Regency/City Ministry of Religion Office to the Head of the Regional Office of the Provincial Ministry of Religion on a regular/time- and tiered basis; and

e. reporting the results of monitoring by the Chancellor/Chairman of Religious Universities of Christians and Catholics as well as the Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of the Province to the Minister of Religion through the Secretary General of the Ministry of Religion periodically/at times.

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