MAKASSAR - The Government of Makassar City, South Sulawesi (Sulsel) will limit the operating hours of several places that have the potential to cause crowds, such as cafes and restaurants. Restrictions are in place to prevent transmission of COVID-19.
"Before the limitation on operating hours is imposed, socialization of this policy will be conducted first so that the public or businessmen can prepare," said Acting Mayor of Makassar, Rudy Djamaluddin, quoted by Antara, Sunday, December 20.
After the implementation of operational hours, the municipal government will routinely comb shopping centers or malls, restaurants and cafes. This operating hours limitation policy will be in effect for 12 days, starting December 23, 2020 to January 3, 2021.
"We will disseminate it immediately, no later than early next week. It will take effect from December 23, 2020 to January 3, 2021," he said.
The professor of the Makassar Unhas Faculty of Engineering, also instructed the Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) to supervise. In the regulations, business actors are only allowed to operate until 19.00 WITA while still applying health protocols.
"This certainly interferes with our activities during the holidays but it is in our common interest to save Makassar residents," he said.
Rudy stated the ban on holding parties, crowding and limiting operating hours in anticipation of the increase in cases of the new type of corona virus after the Christmas and New Year holidays. There will be strict sanctions that have been prepared for violators of the rules ranging from forced dissolution to punishment.
"The potential (transmission of COVID-19, ed.) That occurs during the Christmas and New Year celebrations, of course we anticipate not adding to the COVID-19 epidemic," said Rudy.
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