JAKARTA - The police are investigating the location of another theft of three suspected tower cable thieves who were caught in the act while carrying out their action on Jalan Parit Limau Mega Restricted Kubu Raya Regency, West Kalimantan (West Kalimantan).

"From the statements of the three, the stolen cables are planned to be sold and will be used to meet daily needs, currently it is still a further legal process," said Sungai Ambawang Police Chief, IPDA Surya Boy Michael Sihaloho, in Ambawang, Kubu Raya, West Kalimantan, Sunday 18 December

Surya said, from the theft of the three, namely SN (42), SI (44) and FY (37) at one point in Kubu Raya, the loss was estimated at around Rp. 22.5 million.

According to him, the three suspects stole Indosat's tower or tower cable at 04.00 WIB, Wednesday, November 23 in the morning.

He said the perpetrators entered the Indosat tower area through a wire fence hole that was previously damaged by the perpetrators of SN. After being in the tower area, the three perpetrators immediately cut the ground tower cable and put the cable in a sack.

"So when the three perpetrators of SN, SI and FY were caught by the indosat tower guards with local residents," explained Surya.

For this incident, Surya appealed to the entire community to always be aware of crimes, especially a number of valuables at home or other offices.

"We must continue to do vigilance, both in the community's x family environment and other public facilities, if we find or arrest the perpetrators of the crime, don't be vigilant, immediately contact them and hand them over to the nearest police station," he said.

Polidi pun menjerat ketiga pelaku dengan Pasal 363 KUHP Tentang pencurian dengan ancaman hukuman penjara maksimal tujuh tahun penjara.

"We have secured the three suspects along with evidence and charged with Article 363 of the Criminal Code with a maximum threat of seven years in prison," said Surya.

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