JAKARTA - Head of the DKI Jakarta Environment Agency (DLH) Asep Kuswanto admitted that his party will look for ways to maintain several individual contract employees or service providers (PJLP) in his agency which is over 56 years old.

This is done to reduce the number of PJLPs that are threatened with being unemployed due to the new rules issued by the Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono.

The age of PJLP in the DKI Provincial Government is currently limited to a maximum of 56 years. This rule is contained in the Governor's Decree (Kepgub) Number 1095 of 2022 concerning Guidelines for Controlling the Use of PJLP in the DKI Provincial Government.

"We already have a strategy to hold relief (the number of PJLP who will be unemployed). We are currently meeting at the provincial government level," Asep told reporters, Friday, December 16.

The DKI Environmental Agency has the number of PJLPs over the age of 56 which is the largest compared to other DKI Provincial Government regional apparatus organizations. Asep estimates that the number will reach around 600 people.

Therefore, Asep admitted that Heru's new decision had indeed caused unrest among the Environmental Service PJLP.

Currently, one of the solutions proposed by the Environment Ring Service is to maintain a number of PJLPs that are threatened with being unemployed, including maintaining those who have performed well while working, until those who are still the backbone of the family.

"We have performance report cards of each PJLP. It is our consideration to continue that PJLP can continue to work in the Department of Environment or not. We are also likely to still employ PJLP who has young children or family dependents, for example," said Asep.

"But again, whatever the policy at the DKI Provincial Government level will be implemented," he continued.

Previously, Heru Budi explained the reason for limiting the age of PJLP in the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to a maximum of 56 years. Heru explained that his decision to limit the age of PJLP had followed regulations in the law governing employment.

"The limitation on the age of 56 years of PJLP refers to the Manpower Law. In this regulation, the age of workers is locked up to 56 years old. Previously, it was not regulated how long the maximum age was," Heru told reporters, Wednesday, December 14.

Why should the age be limited? Assistant to the DKI Jakarta Regional Secretary Sigit Wijatmoko said the government is in the process of appointing honorary staff as government employees with a work agreement (PPPK). Meanwhile, there is a maximum age limit for workers who become PPPK.

"There is an appeal from MenPAN RB regarding those who were previously categorized as regional honorariums to be appointed as PPPK in each region. There is a maximum age limit, there it becomes a reference," explained Sigit.

Then, the government now has to cover BPJS services for employment and health in all PJLP within the DKI Provincial Government to provide job safety protection. Meanwhile, there is a limit on the age of workers who are BPJS participants.

"In the past, BPJS may not be required to participate. As soon as he enters, (the age limit) becomes mandatory. So, the maximum age criteria that can be covered by BPJS become a reference," he said.

"So, this is how we can continue to protect their things. BPJS until the minimum wage is protection, providing protection and certainty (work) for them," he continued.

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