JAKARTA - Founder of the State of the People of the Archipelago, Yudi Syamhudi Suyuti, has submitted a request for suspension of detention in the case of alleged treason. However, the police confirmed that they would consider the request.

Yudi's attorney, Nandang Wira Kusuma, said the request for a suspension of detention argued that his client had work and family responsibilities that had to be fulfilled.

"We just submitted it (request for suspension of detention). As the head of the family, he has something to bear. Then he also has work to take care of," said Nandang in Jakarta, Friday, January 31.

If later the investigator grants the request for suspension, it is said, his client will always obey the existing legal processes, including fulfilling all summons for examination from the investigator. "We are called 24 hours and are always ready (to fulfill the call for inspection)," said Nandang.

Responding to the request, the Head of Public Relations DivHumas Polri, Kombes Adi Saputra, said that investigators would later consider whether the request would be granted or not.

"However, of course everything is based on considerations. For example, investigators still need further additional examinations, it will be considered," said Asep.

Later, several other factors were taken into consideration, including not running away, destroying, and eliminating evidence. It's just that, he stressed, everything is related to the request for suspension of detention depending on the decision of the investigator.

"Once again, investigators will consider it," said Asep.

Previously it was reported, the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit arrested the founder of the People's Nation of the Archipelago, Yudi Syamhudi Suyuti, because of a statement about his invitation to dissolve the Unitary Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). Yudi was charged with the article on alleged treason and spreading false news about his statement.

Yudi's arrest was based on a police report with the number LP / B / 0041 / I / 2020 / Bareskrim, dated January 22, 2020. Yudi uploaded the statement that became the subject of the problem on Youtube social media. In the upload, Yudi also mentioned about the decaying system in Indonesia.

Yudi also claimed that the struggle of the Nusanta Rayat State to represent the entire society that existed before the formation of the Republic of Indonesia. So, for that reason, Yudi wanted to disband NKRI.

Thus, for all his actions, Yudi was charged with Article 110 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 107 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 87 of the Criminal Code, Article 207 of the Criminal Code and / or Article 14 and or Article 15 of Law Number 1 of 1946 concerning Criminal Law Regulations.

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