JAKARTA - The National Police Headquarters stated that they immediately investigated information found by the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD regarding the movement of young terrorists who were trained to spread terror to several parties.

Head of Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Argo Yuwono, said that the movements of the terrorist groups continued to grow. Especially now that there are internet networking media. Thus, Densus 88 Anti-terror continues to track and map their movements.

"We are currently investigating. So it is not easy with the current technological developments," Argo told reporters, Friday, December 18.

But, continued Argo, his party could not explain in more detail about this matter. This is because investigations into the recruitment pattern and the mastermind behind it all are still being investigated.

"This is still part of the Special Detachment 88 investigation, relating to information that several youths were recruited," he said.

Previously, the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD claimed to have received information about the movements of young terrorists who were deliberately specially trained to spread terror. Apart from that, the target party is also specially selected.

"I got information that there was a group of young people who were trained in a special place to terrorize VVIP (Very-Very Important Person)," said Mahfud.

In fact, Mahfud emphasized that he received evidence of the training of the young terrorists. However, he did not specify who would be the target of terror.

"I got a photo of the training too, now that is like this ideology is radicalism that leads to hit the ideology, one is intolerant, two that are worse than that is terror. Terror is because of jihadist ideology. The wrong understanding of jihad," he said.

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