JAKARTA - Russian Yars' intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) has been loaded into a silo in the Kozelsk missile formation in the Kaluga region, central Russia, Russia's Defense Ministry said on Wednesday.

"Towards Strategic Missile Troops Day, the Kozelsk missile formation loaded ICBM Yars into the Silo launcher," the ministry said, launching TASS December 14.

The process is complicated and takes several hours, carried out with the help of special carriers.

"This operation is important, as it will allow other ICBMs to enter combat tasks on schedule," said Kozelsk Missile Formation Commander Alexey Sokolov.

Citing74 from the Russian newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda, Yars has a capacity "12 times greater than the US atomic bomb that destroyed Hiroshima" on August 6, 1945.

Called to have a launch weight of 46,000 tons, the missile is said to have a range of up to 12,000 kilometers (7,456 miles) that can attack the US or anywhere in Europe and loads up to 500 kilotons.

Able to prepare for launch in seven minutes, the missile can be fired from a prepared location, a special garage with a sliding roof, or from an unprepared position during field deployments.

It is known, RS-24 Yars is a Russian strategic missile system consisting of a solid propellant intercontinental ballistic missile, based on mobile or silo with a MIRVed warhead (multiple independent targetable vehicle).

Yars is a modification of the Topol-M missile system. Russia started using the ICBM Yars system in 2009, when Yars launchers were received for experimental combat tasks in the Strategic Missile Forces.

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