The Lhokseumawe Resort Police (Polres) stated that 23 Rohingya immigrants fled from a temporary shelter location at a former immigration office in Ulee Blang Mane Village, Blang Mangat District, Lhokseumawe City, Aceh. Lhokseumawe Police Chief AKBP Henki Ismanto said the two dozens of Rohingya immigrants fled by jumping over the fence of the shelter location. "They are known to have fled on Tuesday at around 12.30 WIB. At that time, security officers carried out patrols around the shelter location and found footprints attached to the wall of the wall," said Henki Ismanto in Lhokseumawe, Antara, Wednesday, December 14. He said that after finding the footprints on the concrete fence wall, the officers collected data on the Rohingya immigrants and it was discovered that the 23 boatmen were not on the spot. The Rohingya migrants who fled consisted of eight adult men, four adult women, and 11 children. "Security officers continue to search for them and report to the UN agency, UNHCR that there are Rohing immigrants who have fled from a shelter in the former Lhokseumawe City Immigration building," said Henki Ismanto. Henki Ismanto said security officers had searched around the former immigration office building, but could not find them. Security officers also coordinated with the police to find the whereabouts of the 23 Rohingya immigrants. With the escape of the 23 Rohingya immigrants, said Henki Ismanto, currently there are 206 people in the shelter location from the previous total of 229 people. Security officers also tightened the guarding of the immigrant shelter. "The escape of Rohingya immigrants is suspected of involving a network of human trafficking that is thought to have come from outside the region. The network picked up its Rohing immigrants at the former Lhokseumawe City immigration office building and then taken them somewhere," said Henki Ismanto. Henki Ismanto also said the international migration agency, IOM, had advised UNHCR to close the fence behind the building so that it would not be easily massaged. "However, UNHCR has not yet responded to the advice given by IOM until finally 23 Rohingya immigrants fled from the shelter," said Lhokseumawe Police Chief AKBP Henki Ismanto.

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