JAKARTA - Solo Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka will receive financial support to complete the stalled project of the Manahan Indoor Sports Building (GOR), Solo.

Realizing this, Gibran will leave for Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE) at the end of 2022.

"I'm looking for financing, for single seats, for air conditioning, 4-sided videotron TV, flooring," he said on Tuesday, December 13, quoted from the Surakarta News YouTube channel.

"The point is I already have a solution. So at the end of the year don't look for me first. I want to disappear first and want to find money first. There is financing," continued Gibran.

Gibran's plan is a response to his conversation with EUA President, Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan (MBZ). The two of them had a car when MBZ went to Solo some time ago.

"Later there will be assistance from him. As for Sheikh Mansour [MBZ's brother who owns Manchester City], his business with Kaesang. If I am different, his stalled business is Gelora Bung Karno (Indoor GOR Manahan)," said Gibran.

Not only about stalled projects, Gibran's conversation with MBZ about reducing poverty in the city of Solo.

Initially, Gibran told MBZ that the city of Solo had succeeded in reducing the poverty rate by 70 percent. MBZ responded positively to the data and asked Gibran to reduce the number by 100 percent.

"'It's really good, how do you make it 100 percent?'" said Gibran imitating MBZ's words.

"'Yes, assisted.' I eat it, I want to fly there [UAE]," added Gibran.

Gibran then summarized his discussion with MBZ in addition to sports and poverty, there are also uninhabitable houses (RTLH), health, and many more.

"The point is that the proposal has arrived there. Yesterday, it was also confirmed. Everything agrees. I just have to fly there and present it. It's done," he said.

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