Curious About Salaries And Allowances Lt. Col. Tituler Deddy Corbuzier? This Is The Rule
Salaries and allowances Lt. Col. Tituler Dedy Corbuzier (Instagram @mastercorbuzier)

YOGYAKARTA - Who would have thought that the famous YouTube figure, Deddy Corbuzier, now has a rank in front of his name, namely the Army Tituler Colonel (Letkol) given by Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto. Then how much is the salary and allowance for Lieutenant Colonel Tituler Deddy Corbuzier?

Along with the inauguration of the rank by the TNI Commander General Andika Perkasa and Kasad General TNI Dudung Abdurrachman, Deddy will even receive salaries and allowances, even though the value is limited.

The reason is, the Head of the TNI Information Center, Laksda Kisdiyanto, explained that the amount of allowance that Deddy will receive is 15 percent of the soldier's basic salary according to his rank.

"The allowance is 15 percent, from the basic salary of soldiers for those from civil servants according to the rank they rank and does not include family allowances," explained Krisdiyanto regarding the salary received by Deddy Corbuzier from his new rank.

Regarding salary, referring to Government Regulation or Government Regulation Number 16 of 2019 concerning the Second Amendment to Government Rules Number 28 of 2001 concerning the Regulation of the Salaries of Members of the Indonesian National Army, the salary of soldiers with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel (Letkol) or middle officers receiving the amount of salary starting from Rp. 3,093,900 {to} Rp. 5,084,300.

Carrying Uniforms and Must Follow Military Law

Based on Government Rules Number 36 of 1959 concerning the Ranks of Special Military, Tituler, and Honorary Forces, the issue of the application of military service clothing is limited in Article 14 paragraphs 1 and 2, where Deddy must wear military service clothing while carrying out his duties.

Not only that, but citizens who accept the rank of betiler are also legalized by military regulations and are under the authority of the military justice as is the case for soldiers.

So after knowing the salaries and allowances of Lieutenant Colonel Situler Deddy Corbuzier, watch other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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