JAKARTA - Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono is now limiting the age of employees of the DKI Jakarta Individual Other Service Providers (PJLP) to a maximum of 56 years.

This is stated in the Governor's Decree (Kepgub) Number 1095 of 2022 concerning Guidelines for Controlling the Use of PJLP in the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government which was signed by Heru on November 1.

"Other Individual Service Providers are at least 18 years old, 56 years at most," Heru wrote in Kepgub 1095/2022, quoted on Tuesday, December 13.

Thus, Heru added the rules for limiting the maximum age of PJLP from those contained in Governor Regulation Number 212 of 2016 concerning Guidelines for Management of PJLP issued by the former Governor of DKI Jakarta, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama alias Ahok.

Judging from the rules, it is stated that PJLP is people who are obtained through the process of selecting the procurement of service providers and binding themselves through binding for a certain period of time to support the implementation of the duties and functions of regional apparatus or work units except for educators, education staff, and PJLP at regional public service agencies.

The scope of PJLP includes PPSU, casual daily workers, workers with certain time work agreements (PKWT), and similar workers who are under contract.

Procurement of PJLP is held with the principle of being bound for a certain period of time, clarity and/or certainty of position, and non-discriminatory which means providing opportunities for everyone including people with disabilities to work as PJLP.

The PJLP requirements, apart from age restrictions, must meet the criteria in the form of Indonesian citizens (WNI), have a DKI Jakarta ID card, and have an NPWP.

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