JAKARTA - The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) believes that bribery cases at the University of Lampung (Unila) will not be repeated. They have issued regulations to increase accountability and transparency of student admissions. Acting Director General of Diktiristek Kemendikbudristek Nizam said the regulation was written in Permendikbudristek 48 of 2022. Through this regulation, it is stated that there are three types of selection, namely National Selection Based on Achievements (SNBP), National Selection Based on Tests (SNBT), and Independent Selection by PTN. This selection is run by the Education Testing Management Center (BPPP) which is under the Ministry of Education and Culture. "To overcome this, it is necessary to increase accountability, transparency, and clarity of information in the selection to enter PTN. In Permendikbudristek 48 of 2022, we will arrange this for a bit," Nizam told VOI, Monday, December 12. Nizam said the drafting of this rule had been in accordance with the recommendations of the KPK. Thus, he believes that there will be no more bribes to include prospective students at state universities. "We also based the preparation of the Permendikbudristek on recommendations from the Deputy for Prevention of the KPK," he said. It does not stop there, formal supervision will be carried out. The Directorate General of Education and Technology and the Ministry of Education and Culture, said Nizam, will go directly to monitor the process of accepting new students at state universities. "The public can also monitor and report any irregularities through the report page at the Kemdikbudristek and the WBS- Whistle Blowing System," he explained. The KPK suspects that buying and selling new student admission seats does not only occur in Unila. This allegation emerged after they investigated the bribe that ensnared the inactive Unila Chancellor Karomani. "Actually, based on the information we received, it was more or less like that at other universities. So there is a bargaining mechanism," Alexander told reporters, Monday, December 12. Previously, the inactive Unila Chancellor Karomani testified to receive money from officials who entrusted their children and siblings to be accepted as Unila students. This statement was conveyed when he was a witness at the Corruption Court at the Tanjungkarang District Court with the defendant Andi Desfiandi. He mentioned a number of names, including the Minister of Trade Zulkifli Hasan (Zulhas). In addition, there are also other names that have been entrusted by a number of parties including members of the Indonesian House of Representatives. They are NZ from Member of the House of Representatives Utut Adianto; AQ NP from Thomas Rizka, KDA from Tamanuri, SNA from the Joko Regional Police; NA from Sulpakar; RAR from the Regent of Central Lampung; FA from the Banten Warrior; ZAP from the defendant Andi Desfiandi; R from DPR member Gaddafi; PR from the Banten Family; and FS from Rector II Unila Asep Sukohar. Next, there was a prospective student with the initials M entrusted from Asep Sukohar, AC; deposit of Alzier Dianis Thabranie, NA; entrusted by Sulaiman, NT; entrusted by Dr. Z, RBM; entrusted by the shareholder of Urip Sumoharjo Hospital, AF; entrusted by Mahfud Suroso, M; entrusted by Budi Sutomo, MZ; and entrusted by Budi Sutomo, CPM, and R.

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