YOGYAKARTA Topics related to the requirement to get a tautular rank surfaced after the Minister of Defense, Prabowo Subianto gave the rank of betuler to Deddy Corbuzier.

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI),ituler is related to the rank or honorary title obtained without having to carry out the duties of position as such in his title. For example, a person with the rank of major but does not carry out his duties as a major as in military obligations.

The title of trigger itself can be obtained from two agencies, namely from the Indonesian National Army (TNI) and Indonesian Police (Polri) agencies.

The title of title is regulated in Government Regulation (PP) Number 39 of 2010 concerning the Administration of Indonesian National Army Soldier (TNI). Article 5 states that the title of title is a rank given to a citizen that is commensurate with the position of soldiering on his lap. It was also explained that the rank was revoked after the recipient was no longer held a position.

Meanwhile, the title of Tituler Polri is regulated in the Regulation of the Head of the National Police of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3 of 2016 concerning the Administration of Members of the State Police of the Republic of Indonesia.

In Article 1 it is explained that the rank of betuler is the rank given to Indonesian citizens outside the National Police regarding the task that requires an official who has the rank of police, to apply as long as he is still holding the position and receiving limited administrative treatment.

Giving aituler title is not carried out carelessly. There are a number of criteria and requirements that must be met by the prospective recipient of the position. The tentular provisions are regulated in Chapter III of PP No. 36 of 1959 concerning the Ranks of Special Military, Tituler, and Honorary Ranks.

Article 6 states that the recipients of theituler rank are those who are not from the voluntary military or the obligatory military. Meanwhile, Article 7 states that the criteria for receiving the title are as follows.

Meanwhile, the requirements for the recipient of the title are referred to Article 10 in the Regulation of the Head of the National Police of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3 of 2016 as follows.

The recipient of the TNI title, referring to Article 29 of PP No. 39 of 2010, will receive treatment in the form of limited administration. The sentence is given as long as the position or rank has not been revoked. Thus the recipient of the title will receive a limited facility, namely the following.

In general, beneficiaries of theituler rank get a salary. There are two types of income provided, namely in the form of ticketing allowances and job allowances. The amount of theituary allowance is given as much as 15 percent of the soldier's basic salary for those from civil servants according to the rank they rank does not include family allowances

That's information related to the requirement to get a tautular rank. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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