SUKABUMI - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) recorded that the number of buildings damaged by the 5.8 magnitude earthquake (M) in Sukabumi City reached tens of units. The affected buildings are spread over 12 sub-districts in Sukabumi City

"There were 46 building units damaged by the earthquake on Thursday (December)," said Sukabumi Regency BPBD Operations Control Center (Pusdalops) Manager Daeng Sutisna in Sukabumi on Sunday, December 11, confiscated by Antara.

As for the details of the damaged buildings as many as 43 housing units, namely 12 moderately damaged and 31 lightly damaged, two school units (one lightly damaged and one moderately damaged) and one other public facility unit.

According to Daeng, it is possible that the number of damaged buildings will not increase, however, his party is still verifying the category of damage. The damaged buildings are scattered in Ciambar, Nagrak and Parakansalak sub-districts.

Then, Simpenan, Parungkuda, Sukalarang, Kalibunder, Ciemas, Sukaraja, Nyalindung, Curugkembar and Palabuhanratu sub-districts. The number of affected residents reached 44 families or 160 people from this number as many as 1 kk or three people displaced.

"Until now, we have not received any reports of injuries or casualties. All residents affected by the earthquake have been handled and we have started distributing emergency assistance," he added.

Daeng appealed to residents, especially those living in Sukabumi Regency, to remain vigilant about the potential for earthquakes, however, to remain calm and not panic and do not easily believe information or news that is not yet clear or the source.

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