JAKARTA - Agus Muslim carried two bombs during his suicide at the Astanaanyar Police Station, Bandung, West Java. But only one exploded.

"The perpetrator carried two bombs in the form of backpacks," said Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan, to reporters, Thursday, December 8.

Agus Muslim had two bombs hidden on his back and chest.

However, when the suicide bombing took place, only the one on the back exploded.

"But the incident that exploded was the back and when it exploded on the chest it bounced, so it was the two that were brought," said Ramadhan.

In addition, the West Java Police Mobile Brigade Dansat, Kombes Yuri Karsono, said the two bombs were known as pot bombs. However, it is not certain about the explosive power in the big or small category.

"The type of bomb that exploded was assembled, assembled in the form of a pot, the contents were nails, 9volt battery snatching, TATP residue, the explosive power is still being studied," said Yuri.

The explosion occurred at the Astanaanyar Police, Bandung, West Java, on Wednesday, December 7. The explosion was a suicide bombing.

As a result of the explosion, dozens of members were injured. In fact, a policeman died.

Based on the deepening, the perpetrator has the identity of Agus Muslim. He is affiliated with the network of Jamaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD) Bandung.

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