JAKARTA - When this news was read, the preacher Yusuf Mansur was still lying due to being infected with COVID-19. The preacher, who also often shares knowledge about stocks, admits that he cannot breathe as usual even though Yusuf Mansur's condition is somewhat better after he was first declared to have COVID-19.

The head of the Daarul Quran Ketapang Islamic boarding school, Cipondoh, told him that COVID-19 had really made him suffer. The simplest thing, matters of breathing must be arranged. Yusuf Mansur also admitted that he had difficulty reciting the Koran.

"Slowly, with words. Accompanied by taking a breath is somewhat regulated," wrote Yusuf Mansur on his Instagram account, Thursday, December 17.

Pain is synonymous with bed. Yusuf Mansur admitted that many of his activities have been spent in bed lately. In fact, he predicts that this condition will last until 19 December.

"And the most expensive is of course freedom ... Free to go to the bathroom, free to want to walk around. Free to want this and that. As in my case, I am still in bed," he wrote again.

Yusuf went back and forth saying that COVID-19 was real. Discipline on health protocols is an indispensable imperative. This is also what Yusuf Mansur admitted if he was negligent in discipline.

"I got it? That means I'm lacking? Yes, of course. Really less. But like this, it's really good. Wow, if not, it won't help on the 9th to 12th," he admitted.

"Ok. Take care of Covid, huh. Fight. If it's up to the max, it's just a matter of tawakkal. God is still not choosy. But at least, we don't kill ourselves," wrote Yusuf.

"Once I was full of gratitude. Improved. Watching in front of my room exactly, already using a ventilator, even though when I just entered here, I saw him video calls with family, telephone, and he looks cheerful. But now he is on the ventilator like a banana hump. u / him and who has contracted Covid. In other places, news of the death of Covid is still coming. I am writing this as a message of love, "concluded the man who was born in December 1976.

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