JAKARTA - The Indonesian community, supported by the Indonesian Consulate General in Los Angeles, is holding a fundraiser called Anak Bangsa Care for Cianjur for victims of the Cianjur earthquake, West Java. The funds collected temporarily reach more than 20 thousand US dollars which will be donated through the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI).
The general chairman of the “Children of the Nations Care for Cianjur” fundraising, David Mulyatno, said that his intention to help the victims of the Cianjur earthquake arose after seeing the situation and condition of Cianjur which was destroyed by the impact of the earthquake.
"We are very touched to see the situation in Cianjur and those of us who are here and far luckier have to help them," David said as quoted from the press release of the Indonesian Consulate General in Los Angeles, Tuesday, December 6.
Meanwhile, the Indonesian Consul General for Los Angeles Saud P. Krisnawan, expressed his appreciation for the initiative of the Indonesian Community in Los Angeles.
"I am proud and we are ready to facilitate these positive activities for the Indonesian people, the Consulate General's door will always be open like a home for Indonesian citizens, Diaspora, and Friends of Indonesia," he said.

The “Children of the Nations Care for Cianjur” fundraising was carried out for a full day, where in the first half the fundraising was carried out in the form of an Indonesian food and product bazaar of which 100 percent of the proceeds were donated to the Cianjur earthquake victims.
While in the second half all visitors were presented with Indonesian music, angklung, kasidah groups and fashion shows.

Participating in enlivening this activity, Indonesian entrepreneurs based in Los Angeles provided assistance in the form of products to sell and donations. Not to forget, Indonesian artists in LA donated their works to be auctioned at art performance events, and contributed votes through song auctions.
This fundraising event is purely an initiative of the Indonesian community in Los Angeles with the full support of the Indonesian Consulate General in Los Angeles.
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