JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) named 14 former members of the North Sumatra Provincial DPRD as suspects in a bribery case allegedly given by former North Sumatra Governor Gatot Pujo Nugraha. Reflecting on the development of the case, it is okay for the KPK leadership to argue that the KPK remains strong even though their regulations are revised. However, not for Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW).
According to ICW researcher Kurnia Ramdhana, whoever thinks that the anti-graft agency is still strong after the enactment of the Corruption Eradication Commission Law Number 19 of 2019 means hallucinating.
"First, they are hallucinating by saying that the KPK is fine with the revision of the KPK Law. Furthermore, we see in the Harun Masiku case that it shows that the KPK is no longer violent," said Kurnia to VOI by telephone, Friday, January 31.
According to Kurnia, the Corruption Eradication of the Corruption Eradication Commission was proven through a series of incidents that occurred when facing a bribery case involving KPU commissioner Wahyu Setiawan, such as the cancellation of the search for anti-graft institutions at the PDI-P headquarters.

Search the office to investigate the case. This is because the bribery case related to the interim replacement (PAW) of members of the DPR RI for the 2019-2024 period involved PDIP candidate Harun Masiku, as the bribe giver.
The search of the PDIP DPP office was carried out to find someone other than Harun. However, until now, searches for evidence have not been carried out.
"Second, when at PTIK it was like that, right? There was no visible figure of the KPK leadership defending his subordinates. Right, the question is why can you ask for a urine test? But Firli was not there (to provide information)," he said.
The Police Science College (PTIK) incident was when the KPK OTT occurred, Harun reportedly hid in the building. However, when the investigating team picked him up, they were actually detained until they were tested for urine by the police. It was only before dawn that the investigators were released and the PDIP candidate had no visible nose.
"If he (Firli Bahuri) said that the KPK is strong, strong from where? That was seen yesterday when Commission III of the RDP and the KPK, was asked by PTIK, he did not want to answer. That's an example of a leader who cannot protect his own team. this case (Wahyu Setiawan's bribery case), "explained Kurnia.
He also regretted the attitude of the KPK leadership, which instead was friendly with journalists, even though the fugitive Harun Masiku has never been identified.
"The leadership of the KPK this time was unable to create a conducive situation in the eyes of the public. Yesterday, for example, when the excitement of the Harun Masiku case was not yet discovered by the KPK, Firli actually organized a cooking program for fried rice," said Kurnia.
In fact, previous KPK leaders had always managed to pick up and even look for their fugitives. One of the successes that Kurnia alluded to was when the KPK leadership in the Busyro Muqqodas era managed to arrest the suspect in the bribery case for the provision of a homestead for athletes who fled abroad, Muhammad Nazaruddin.
At that time, the Busyro era KPK took 77 days and collaborated with Interpol and the Colombian regional police to arrest the former Democratic Party Treasurer. After the arrests were made in Colombia, Nazaruddin was then brought back to Indonesia to account for his actions.
For the handling of this fugitive, Kurnia considers Firli and the other four leaders to make the KPK seem helpless. This is proven by Harun being found for so long even though he was hiding in Indonesia.
"So far, this sophisticated KPK has been sluggish in the Firli era. It is very different from the previous era," he said.
Previously reported, the KPK named 14 former members of the North Sumatra DPRD as suspects. This case is not new because this is a development of the previous case. This is because the KPK in the era of Agus Rahardjo had arrested and detained 50 elements of the leadership and members of the DPRD of the Province of North Sumatra for the period 2004-2009 and 2014-2019 and had punished the giver of the bribe, namely Gatot Pujo.
"After carrying out the process of gathering information, data and observing the facts of the trial in the case, the KPK found sufficient initial evidence to carry out an investigation with 14 members of the DPRD of North Sumatra Province for the 2009-2014 and 2014-2019 periods as suspects," said Acting KPK spokesman. on the prosecution of Ali Fikri during a press conference at the KPK's Red and White House, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Thursday, January 30.
The 14 people were Sudirman Halawa, Rahmad Pardamean Hasibuan, Nurhasanah, Megalia Agustina, Ida Budiningsih, Ahmad Hosein Hutagalung, Syamsul Hilal, Robert Nainggolan, Ramli, Mulyani, Layani Sinukaban, Japorman Saragih, Jamaluddin Hasibuan, and Irwansyah.
They became suspects because they were suspected of accepting bribes related to the accountability report of the North Sumatra Provincial Government for the 2012-2014 fiscal year, approval of changes to the North Sumatra Regional Budget for the 2013-2014 fiscal year, ratification of the North Sumatra APBD for the 2014-2015 fiscal year, and refusal to use interpellation rights in 2015.
For their actions, these 14 people were then suspected of violating article 12 letter a or letter b or article 11 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Corruption as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 in conjunction with Article 64 paragraph (1) and Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code.
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