JAKARTA - Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono emphasized that the decision to shift Marullah Matali's position from the Regional Secretary (Sekda) of DKI to Deputy Governor for Culture and Tourism was based on careful consideration.

Heru conveyed this in the opening of a leadership meeting attended by a number of officials from the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, including Marullah.

Heru admitted that he needed a deputy position that was currently vacant and was not filled by definitive officials. Heru also asked all parties not to prejudice the decision.

"I need to say here that the duties of the Deputy are very honorable. Where, later he will help me. So don't get me wrong, that I need Mr. Marullah on a larger scale," said Heru at DKI Jakarta City Hall, Monday, December 5.

Heru needs Marullah as Deputy Governor because Jakarta has a number of important agendas. One of them is the meeting of governors and mayors throughout Southeast Asia at the Mayors and Governors Meeting of the ASEAN Capital 2023 (MGMAC 2023) forum.

Considering that Jakarta as the host of MGMAC 2023, Marullah as Deputy for Culture and Tourism will later help Heru to lead the ranks of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government in preparing everything.

"The additional task for the Deputy can be with me to be able to prepare for the chairmanship of ASEAN 2023. Later the Deputy can chair the meeting in 2023, but alternately with me to coordinate with the central government," he explained.

"We have to prepare infrastructure facilities, where is the place for bilateral meetings, where is the place for tourist activities, where is the tempa dinner. That's something we have to think about in detail," he continued.

Marullah was appointed Deputy Governor of DKI based on Presidential Decree Number 139/TPA of 2022 concerning Dismissal and Appointment of and Position of High Leadership Positions of the DKI Provincial Government.

With Marullah's inauguration, there is only one of the four definitive Deputy Governors of DKI. In addition to the positions held by Marullah, there are still three other deputy positions, namely the Deputy for Spatial Planning and the Environment which are held as acting (Plt); Deputy for Population and Settlement Control which is still vacant; as well as the vacant Deputy for Industry, Trade and Transportation.

To fill the temporary vacuum, Heru inaugurated Uus Kuswanto as Acting Regional Secretary of DKI. The plan is that the definitive appointment of the DKI Regional Secretary is expected to be elected by the end of December 2022 or early January 2023.

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