The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) said the development of alleged bribery for accepting new students at the University of Lampung (Unila) would continue.

Including the names of officials mentioned in the trial of the case, such as the Minister of Trade Zulkifli Hasan to members of the DPR from the PDI-P Faction (PDIP) Utut Adianto. The names mentioned are suspected of being involved in buying and selling student seats in Unila.

"If the case process is already on trial, we are waiting for a report from the Public Prosecutor (Jaksa public prosecutor)," said KPK Deputy Chair Nurul Ghufron in a statement quoted on Monday, December 5.

After the report was received, Ghufron said the development would be carried out. The team will investigate reports and facts found in the trial.

If legal facts are found, the team will report for further investigation. "When it is finished, maybe there will be development at the investigation stage, investigation, then the investigator will report it," he said.

"This means that the development and prosecution after there is a report from the public prosecutor. If based on the testimony and evidence presented at the trial there is a possibility of a case, we will certainly develop the suspect," continued Ghufron.

The inactive Unila Chancellor Karomani testified to receive money from officials who entrusted their children and relatives to be accepted as Unila students. He made this statement when he was a witness at the Corruption Court at the Tanjungkarang District Court with the defendant Andi Desfiandi.

He mentioned a number of names, including the Minister of Trade Zulkifli Hasan (Zulhas). In addition, there are also other names that are entrusted by a number of parties, including members of the Indonesian House of Representatives.

They are NZ from DPR member Utut Adianto; AQ NP from Thomas Rizka, KDA from Tamanuri, SNA from Polda Joko; NA from Sulpakar; RAR from Central Lampung Regent; FA from Banten Warriors; ZAP from defendant Andi Desfiandi; R from DPR member Gaddafi; PR from the Banten Family; and FS from Rector II Rector II Unila Asep Sukohar.

Next is a prospective student with the initials M entrusted from Asep Sukohar, AC; entrusted by Alzier Dianis Thabranie, NA; entrusted by Sulaiman, NT; entrusted by Dr. Z, RBM; entrusted by the shareholder of Urip Sumoharjo Hospital, AF; entrusted by Mahfud Suroso, M; entrusted by Budi Sutomo, MZ; and entrusted by Budi Sutomo, CPM, and R.

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