MAKASSAR - Chairman of the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) Makassar, South Sulawesi (Sulsel), Syamsu Rizal was exposed to COVID-19. Deng Ical, his nickname, asked the public for prayers.

"Today is the second day we do Self Isolation at our residence. Based on the results of the swab test, we and our dear wife @melliafersini tested positive, "said Deng Ical, Wednesday, December 16.

Deng Ical, who returned to being active with PMI Makassar activities after the Pilkada, reminded the public to continue to implement strict health protocols.

"We apologize to all Makassar people and all our brothers and sisters in various struggle events. We remind you to stay active and benefit each other. But never ignore health protocols. Remember, our health and safety with our families and loved ones must always be our top priority, ā€¯continued Deng Ical.

"Once again, please pray all of you. Always healthy all of us .. God willing, "said Deng Ical.

Update on COVID-19 as of December 16: New Cases of 6,725

The Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) releases the latest additional positive cases of COVID-19 today. A total of 61,291 specimens were examined today. As a result, there were 6,725 new positive cases of COVID-19.

"The total accumulation of positive cases since COVID-19 was discovered in Indonesia has reached 636,154 people," the Ministry of Health was quoted as saying, Wednesday, December 16.

Today's cases increased by 5,328, so that a total of 521,984 people recovered. Then, the confirmed positive cases who died increased by 137 people and a total of 19,248 people.

The province with the most new cases is in West Java with 1,434 new cases and a total of 69,500 cases. This was followed by DKI Jakarta which had 1,221 new cases with a total of 156,343 cases. East Java has 755 new cases and a total of 72,124 cases. Then, South Sulawesi had 447 new cases and a total of 24,019 cases.

The province with the most cases recovered today belongs to DKI Jakarta with an increase of 1,140 recovered cases. Followed by West Java with an increase of 1,020 recovered cases, Central Java with an increase of 859 recovered cases, and East Java with an increase of 537 recovered cases.

Then, there is 1 province that reported no new cases today. The province is Central Kalimantan.

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