KUDUS - Persons with disabilities who are members of the Kudus Disability Communication Forum (FKDK) held an inclusion convoy with hundreds of motorists to campaign for driving safety or safety riding, in Kudus, Central Java.

The inclusion convoy, which was attended by 100 people with disabilities and 50 motorcycle communities in Kudus, started from GOR Wergu Wetan Kudus, then headed to Japan, Kerawang, Tanjungrejo, Piji, Peganjaran, Gondangmanis, Dersalam, and finished at GOR Wergu Kudus.

According to FKDK Chairman Rismawan Yulianto, this convoy was held simultaneously with International Persons with Disabilities Day which is celebrated every December 3.

With the convoy, he wanted to show the public that people with disabilities can also traffic in an orderly manner like other general people.

"We also want to invite the public to be more concerned about driving safety, as well as introduce people with disabilities in Kudus," he said, quoted by Antara, Sunday, December 4.

He also wants to remind stakeholders of the rights of persons with disabilities by immediately issuing a regent regulation following up on the Regional Regulation on the Protection and Fulfillment of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

"As long as the regional regulation can be carried out properly, the basic rights of persons with disabilities in Kudus will certainly be fulfilled, starting from the right to get easy access to health, education, work and infrastructure that is disability-friendly," he said.

Facilities and supporting infrastructure for people with disabilities, he said, are currently available, especially new buildings. Meanwhile, the old buildings are not yet available.

"It is hoped that gradually all physical facilities and infrastructure will also accommodate the interests of persons with disabilities. Moreover, the Kudus Regency Government through the Kudus Health Service also proposes that additional requirements for the establishment of health facilities must be disability-friendly," he said.

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