JAKARTA - Maluku Province has a target of 25,271 certified land parcels from the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning of the National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) in 2022.

Head of the Maluku Province BPN Regional Office, R. Agus Marhendra, in Ambon, Friday, December 2, said that 25,271 plots of land that must be registered and certified are spread across 11 regencies/cities in Maluku.

"Thousands of certificates in Maluku are part 1,52,450 land rights certificates for the people submitted by President Joko Widodo in a hybrid and online manner in 33 provinces in Indonesia on December 1, 2022," he said.

In addition, two regions in Maluku, namely Buru and Central Maluku regencies, also received land redistribution certificates of 8,841 fields.

He said that by the end of this year 88 percent or 20,890 plots of land had been certified through the Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) program and handed over to their owners, while the land redistribution certificates that had been completed were 5,666 plots of land.

"Hopefully by the end of 2022 the target can be achieved and distributed to the community, because the impact can minimize the level of dispute between land owners and other communities," he said.

He hopes that with the national program there will be no more land disputes in Maluku in the future. "At least the land dispute in Maluku can be reduced," he said.

Acting Maluku Regional Secretary Sadali Ie appreciated the mass distribution of land to the people in the area, because the impact provided legal certainty over the land owned.

Especially for the simultaneous distribution of certificates in Maluku, two places are Ambon City and Tanimbar Islands Regency, each with 250 certificates.

A resident of Soya State, Ambon City, Yop Mustam when receiving the certificate said he was happy because he obtained the rights to his land. "Personally, I appreciate and thank BPN Maluku for providing legal certainty to my land in the form of a certificate for free to the public," he said.

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