JAKARTA - Residents affected by the eviction of Kampung Bayam returned to the DKI Jakarta City Hall. They sat on the pedestrian route on Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan, right in front of the Jakarta Governor's Office (Pj) Heru Budi Hartono.

A banner was put on that reads "The Kampung Susun Bayam is our right. Let us enter and inhabit" in front of the gates of DKI Jakarta City Hall.

Their intention is the same as yesterday, namely to collect the DKI Provincial Government to allow prospective residents to occupy the Kampung Susun Bayam. Head of the DKI Jakarta National and Political Unity Agency (Kesbangpol) Taufan Bakri had time to go out and meet them.

Taufan asked them to return home. To the residents of Kampung Bayam, Taufan admitted that he had reported this condition to Acting Governor Heru.

Furthermore, the DKI Provincial Government will coordinate with PT Jakarta Propertindo as the manager of the Jakarta International Stadium (JIS) which is located in one land with Kampung Susun Bayam regarding the residents' desire to immediately occupy the residence.

"Last night we talked to the Acting Officer, asking for his instructions. I haven't met Jakpro. I'll tell you later, they (the residents of Kampung Bayam) want to go first," said Taufan, Friday, December 2.

"If the results don't satisfy us, what?", asked Taufan.

Responding to this, Taufan asked for the understanding of the residents of Kampung Bayam to wait for the process of resolving this problem.

"This is just work, I am. Give me the opportunity to work," said Taufan.

After arguing with Heru Budi's subordinates, the residents of the prospective residents of Kampung Susun Bayam firmly wanted to stay in front of the DKI Jakarta City Hall until there was a definite decision from Heru.

Feeling no longer able to ask to go home, Taufan finally let them stay in front of City Hall. "It's up to you, ladies and gentlemen, if you really want this (stay at City Hall). I just conveyed it," said Taufan before returning to the inside.

The amount of the monthly rental rate for Kampung Susun Bayam still has not met a common ground. JIS residents do not agree with the tariff offered by PT Jakpro as the owner of Kampung Susun Bayam.

Yesterday, residents of Kampung Bayam arrived at DKI Jakarta City Hall. They demanded that they immediately be able to occupy Kampung Susun Bayam because the building was inaugurated by Anies last October.

However, after an audience by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, the residents of Kampung Bayam did not get a definite answer. They are not satisfied.

"It means as long as there is no decision, we will stay back until there is a decision," said one resident.

Responding to this, Heru Budi said he would order Jakpro to immediately agree on the monthly rental rate for the residents of the prospective residents of the Kampung Susun Bayam.

"That has to be discussed with Jakpro, the value. Jakpro just has to discuss what the community wants," Heru said on Thursday, December 1.

Based on the report he received, the Mayor of North Jakarta has determined a decree containing the distribution of residential numbers to each resident of Kampung Bayam who will occupy Kampung Susun Bayam.

"The mayor has already set a decree on the people to be accommodated there. Later Jakpro will let him report to the mayor," said Heru.

Regarding Jakpro's offer to residents to pay the rent of Rp. 700 thousand, Heru submitted the decision to Jakpro. "Jakpro is the one who builds it, Jakpro is the one who manages it, we leave it to Jakpro. If it is Rp. 750 thousand for calculating treatment and others, then go ahead," he added.

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