Tank Trucks Are SECUREd When Disposing Of 20 Thousand Illegal Fuel Liters To Ships At Talang Duku Port Jambi
Photo via Antara

Jambi - Jambi Regional Police secured a tank truck that contained about 20 thousand liters of illegal diesel fuel. The truck was secured during the raid of the bunker or refueling from the tank to the tug boat.

The Head of Public Relations of the Jambi Police, Kombes Pol. Mulia Prianto, said that the disclosure of this case began with public information about the existence of a fuel bunker activity in the Talang Duku Port area, Muarojambi.

"Based on this information, the Jambi Police Dirreskimsus, Kombes Pol. Christian Tory ordered Sub-Directorate IV Ditreskrimsus personnel to go directly to the location and managed to secure a truck that was suspected of unloading cargo in the form of processed diesel to tug boats," he said, Thursday, December 1.

Mulia explained that precisely the illegal fuel tanker truck was secured on Jalan Lintas Talang Duku, Taman Rajo, Muarojambi. At that time, there was a ship leaning to carry out a bunker.

Officers who approached asked the ship's captain and head of the ship's engine room for refueling documents. However, they could not show it.

Furthermore, the team secured five people, namely KU as the truck driver, AW of the tank kernet, SU the ship captain, AS the head of the ship's engine room, OK as the link between the ship's tenant and the fuel owner.

In addition, based on the report between the evidence that was secured, including a tank truck with police number B 9240 UFU which allegedly loaded illegal diesel fuel of around 20 thousand liters, a tug boat called LP 02, evidence of delivery orders from the tank owner company to the ship, and evidence of conversations between OK and SU.

"Currently, the truck driver, kernet, ship captain and ship KKM along with a tank truck are being taken to the Jambi Police Headquarters for further inspection," he said.

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