JAKARTA - President Emmanuel Macron promised to hold a special referendum on climate change after receiving pressure from environmental activists and the French people. In the referendum, Macron will revise the constitutional rules in order to fight climate change.

Launching Reuters on Tuesday, December 15, Macron said this before the Citizens Climate Council. Macron said he was willing to include issues on biodiversity, the environment and tackling climate change in Article 1 of the French constitution. "It will be included in the referendum," he said.

This effort was made by Macron because his party had recently lost favor with the French Green Party in the last two years. Macron's loyalists are worried that the Green Party will be able to vote on Macron's entire support base in facing the 2022 presidential election, we Macron has not shown his commitment to fighting climate change.

Previously, Macron had come under fire from left-wing factions for failing to do much to fight climate change. The French number one was accused of failing to keep his promise to spend billions of dollars on the earth-saving agenda.

Recently, Macron's commitment to fighting climate change has been questioned by various groups. To the extent, France's highest court gave Macron a deadline to ensure he fulfills his commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in France in the next three months.

Meanwhile, a group of environmentalists in France rallied to demand the government's commitment to the climate change agenda some time ago. Protesters refer to the Paris Agreement. This makes Macron even more pressured by the narrative of "fake heroes" of climate change fighters.

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