TERNate - KSAL Admiral Yudo Margono received the awarding of the honorary title Sangaji Ori Ma Ahi Malamo (largest Marine POWER) from the Sultanate Sultan Hidyatullah Sjah in the Foris Lambo Kadaton Sultan Ternate Room, North Maluku, Friday, November 25. "Sangaji Ori Ma Ahi Malamo is a royal title as an honorary citizen of the Sultanate of Ternate which has the meaning of being the "Best Sea Owner". The awarding of the royal title was given for the ability of Admiral Yudo Margono as the leader of the Indonesian Navy in maintaining sovereignty, security, and maritime peace in Indonesia. The award of the Sultanate of Ternate to the KSAL is an honor or greatness title that has become a tradition of the Sultanate of Ternate and has been given to the leaders of countries in the country and foreign countries for hundreds of years. Where in the past century the Sultans of Ternate had given titles to the envoys of foreign countries or nations who stopped at Ternate. "It is an honor for me who has been given the honorary title of the Sultanate of Ternate under the name 'Sangaji Ori Ma Ahi Malamo, of course this is not a light thing to give to me because this title has consequences that I must carry out," Yudo said in a press release, Antara, Friday, November 25. He thanked the Sultan of Ternate and the Great Family of the Sultanate. "Of course, starting today, we have all become a big family of the Sultanate of Ternate, as a family of course we have a moral responsibility to the Sultanate of Ternate," he said. Meanwhile, Sultan Ternate Hidyatullah Sjah expressed his gratitude for being pleased to be inaugurated with the honorary title of the customary Sultanate of Ternate as "Sangaji Ori Ma Ahi Malamo". as well as providing assistance to the people of Ternate. "I hope that with this title Admiral Yudo will be given strength by Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala, the Almighty God in carrying out all his duties, trust in safeguarding the sovereignty of the nation, and the state in the maritime region," he said. Prior to the awarding of this title, there was a special session between Sultan Ternate and Bobato Dunia, Bobato Akhirat, and Qadhi Sultanate Ternate who were asked to provide advice and input on the meanings historically about the title given to KSAL. After a series of activities in Kedaton, KSAL symbolically provided assistance for basic necessities to the community around the Ternate Kedaton as a form of concern for fellow extended family of the Ternate Sultanate.

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