The Ciamis Police have named two suspects in a corruption case in development in Sukasiatia Village, Cihaurbeuti District, Ciamis Regency, West Java. The budget for this development comes from village funds in 2018 with state losses of more than Rp. 200 million. "It is suspected that the use of village funds in the village is not in accordance with the designation. The alleged loss is Rp. 225,619,103. The suspects are two," said Ciamis Police Chief AKBP Tony Prasetyo Yudhangkoro during a press conference on the disclosure of corruption cases at the Ciamis Police, Antara, Wednesday, November 23. The corruption case was based on a 2020 report, then an investigation and investigation was carried out until finally two suspects with the initials IS (53) as the village head of Sukasiatia and TH (48) as the village secretary of Sukasiatia. The two suspects, he said, allegedly misappropriated the use of the village fund budget for the construction of roads and sports buildings which caused state losses of more than Rp. 200 million. "Regarding not in accordance with the designation for the use of the village fund budget in the form of a hotmix asphalting activity in Cinangka Hamlet and related to the construction of a village sports building," he said. The mode used by the two suspects was when the project was carried out, not to hand over all the funds, but to use them for personal operations and interests. "The funds are used for village operations and personal interests," he said. He conveyed that in that case evidence had been secured in the form of receipts, proposals for village funds, and cash amounting to RP14 million. Then the two suspects are currently being held at the Ciamis Police Headquarters for further legal examination. The two suspects were charged with Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning the Eradication of Corruption Crimes Article 2 Paragraph 1 and or Article 3 with a minimum penalty of 4 years, a maximum of 20 years in prison and a minimum fine of IDR 200 million and a maximum of IDR 1 billion. The police chief appealed to all village officials to carry out their duties according to the rules, including in the use of the village fund budget to be carried out in accordance with the planning. If it is misappropriated, it will deal with the law. "An appeal to the village head to use village funds according to the designation and rules," he said.

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