JAKARTA - The Director General for Asia Pacific and Africa (Aspasaf) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemenlu) Desra Percaya said that the central government through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs continued to communicate to find out the development of Indonesian citizens (WNI) in Wuhan, China.

According to him, the protection and fulfillment of Indonesian citizens abroad, including in Wuhan, is a priority for the Indonesian government. The government also sends money through the Indonesian Embassy (KBRI) in Beijing.

"Maybe you also followed Pak Djauhari Oratmangun with Wechat to contact everyone, transfer money and everything was done," he said, during a joint hearing with Commission I, at the DPR Building, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday, January 30.

According to Desra, from the start the Ministry of Foreign Affairs already had an evacuation option. This option has been taken into account, then the Ministry of Foreign Affairs makes a contingency plan. However, Desra admitted, in its application there were technical obstacles.

Desra also explained that currently Wuhan is still isolated and no one can go inside, so that in the evacuation efforts the government also involves the Indonesian student union (PPI) who are in China.

"For example in what happened in Hubei, province, the movement from the exit city to Wuhan requires a six-hour road trip. We have calculated how we can reach who might go there," Desra said.

"Because if there is a lockdown no one can enter. So we are empowering PPI China to cooperate with us practically, for example, they rent a car. Then determine who wants the driver, who will go there," he added.

According to Desra, after Indonesian citizens from Wuhan were evacuated. They entered Indonesia but were not allowed to meet with the public. The 243 Indonesians must first undergo a quarantine period.

"For example, the Aussie is quarantined on Christmast Island and it takes 2x14 days. So 28 days. We consider the ministry's protection in the country. This is not only for Indonesian citizens to return home and mingle, but also a quarantine process," he said.

Desra explained, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs always communicates with the Indonesian Ambassador to China who is in Beijing to ensure all the processes that must be carried out.

"We are chasing him and we are sure to call him all the processes. Mr. Djauhari continues to coordinate intensely with the authorities in Beijing and with Hubei Province, especially Wuhan. This afternoon at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs there is a cross-ministerial meeting to finalize the evacuation with a contingency plan, not only in Wuhan, Hubei but also outside the province too, "he explained.

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