JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) inaugurated Muhamad Mardiono as the Presidential Special Envoy for Poverty and Food Security Cooperation at the State Palace, Jakarta, Wednesday, November 23.

The appointment was stipulated in Presidential Decree (Keppres) Number 48/M/2022 concerning the Appointment of the Presidential Special Envoy for Poverty Reduction and Food Security Cooperation.

"First, appointing Brother Muhammad Mardiono as the Presidential Special Envoy for Poverty Reduction and Food Security Cooperation," reads the excerpt of the Presidential Decree read out during the inauguration procession at the State Palace.

President Jokowi then took the oath of office against Mardiono.

"Before I take the oath regarding your appointment as Special Envoy of the President for Cooperation on Poverty Reduction and Food Security, I will first ask you. Are you willing to take an oath according to Islam?" Jokowi asked.

"Willing," replied Mardiono, who is also the Acting (Plt) General Chair of PPP outside the government.

Jokowi then read out the oath that Mardiono participated in.

"By Allah, I swear that I will be loyal to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and will carry out all laws and regulations as straight as possible for the sake of my service to the nation and state. That in carrying out my duties, I will uphold the ethics of my position, work as well as possible with a full sense of responsibility," said Mardiono in his oath of office.

Previously, Mardiono was known to have served as a member of the Presidential Advisory Council (Wantimpres).

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