CIANJUR - Army Soldiers who were deployed to assist in handling the Cianjur earthquake totaled 1,377 personnel as of Tuesday, November 22 morning.

The soldiers of the Indonesian Army were deployed to help the affected communities such as setting up emergency tents and field kitchens.

Meanwhile, a number of TNI AD service units that have been in the field have helped deal with health problems for residents affected by the Cianjur earthquake, which reached thousands of people.

This was discovered when the Army Chief of Staff (KSAD) General TNI Dudung Abdurachman reviewed the victims of the Cianjur earthquake on Tuesday, November 22 morning.

The visit of the Army Chief of Staff's entourage to the Cianjur Regional General Hospital (RSUD) was also in the context of distributing compensation for victims affected by natural disasters in Cianjur.

During his review, the Army Chief of Staff had a direct dialogue with the victim who was being treated.

An earthquake with a magnitude (M) of 5.6 rocked Cianjur on Monday, November 22 at noon. The audio with a depth of 10 kilometers at a point 10 kilometers southwest of Cianjur caused many casualties.

Based on temporary data from the Head of the National Police Headquarters, the number of victims due to the Cianjur earthquake was 95 people who died, 119 people were slightly injured, and 14 people were seriously injured.

The victims were recorded from three hospitals serving victims of the Cianjur earthquake, namely Bhayangkara Cianjur Hospital, Sayang Cianjur Hospital, and Cimacan Hospital.

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