JAKARTA - Soon, the COVID-19 vaccination process for the world community will be implemented soon. In the United States (US), as one of the superpowers, they have two large pharmaceutical companies that produce the COVID-19 vaccine, namely Pfizer and Moderna.

The COVID-19 vaccination is a milestone for the world and the US in particular. As for the sale of vaccines for Pfizer and Moderna, they also made huge sums of money, reaching billions of US dollars.

Quoting CNN, Sunday, December 13, Wall Street analysts projected that Pfizer and Moderna will get US $ 32 billion in cash from vaccine sales. In detail, Pfizer earned US $ 19 billion, while Moderna earned US $ 13.2 billion.

If converted at an exchange rate of Rp.14,100 per US dollar, Pfizer will get Rp.267 trillion, while Moderna will reap Rp.186 trillion in coffers from sales of the COVID-19 vaccine. In total, the sales results of both reached Rp. 453 trillion.

However, Pfizer will share the proceeds from the sale with BioNTech, a German company that partners in developing the vaccine. In 2022 and 2023, Pfizer is estimated to reap vaccine sales revenue of 9.3 billion US dollars or Rp131 trillion higher than BioNTech.

Now, Pfizer-BioNTech has obtained the US BPOM (FDA) distribution permit for emergency use of vaccines. Moderna itself is rumored to be obtaining FDA approval for its Coronas vaccine in the near future.

For Moderna, sales of vaccines have made a tremendous leap from the company which only had revenues of US $ 60 million in 2019. Moderna's stock has also rocketed nearly 700 percent this year and Morgan Stanley estimates that about half of the company's market value is attached to vaccines.

"This is epic. This is a historic milestone in drug development. To use new technology in such a young company and prepare it for the worst pandemic in a century is hard to imagine," said Alan Carr, a biotechnology analyst at Needham.

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