JAKARTA - Indonesian citizens (WNI) are still trapped in Wuhan, China. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemenlu) is seeking evacuation. There are 250 Indonesian citizens who will be picked up by airplanes belonging to the Indonesian Air Force. However, the team's departure had to wait for approval from the Chinese government.

TNI Commander Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto said TNI aircraft were ready and ready to fly at any time as soon as there was an order to evacuate Indonesian citizens in Wuhan, a city that is currently isolated due to the corona virus or 2019-nCoV.

"The TNI is always on alert. We alert the aircraft. Then also alert the medical personnel. Five days ago I also ordered the Head of the Indonesian National Military Health Center together with Diskes to prepare any equipment that must be brought, including the white 'astronaut clothes'," he said, when met at the building. DPR, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday, January 30.

Not only that, Hadi explained, the TNI also asked for isolation rooms, including tools to monitor human body heat. According to him, all the equipment needed had been prepared.

"Including the support of TNI-owned planes, we have prepared. We just need to coordinate with the Foreign Minister when we will depart," he said.

TNI Commander Hadi Tjahjanto (Mery Handayani / VOI)

In addition to TNI aircraft, the Commander confirmed that later if there is an evacuation of Indonesian citizens in Wuhan, China, some will use civilian aircraft, namely Lion Air.

"Yes (Lion Air), I have told the media yesterday that I also asked. Even if it chartered a civilian plane (Lion), it has become a consideration for the Foreign Minister," he said.

Hadi explained, whether TNI troops will also join civilian planes or not will depend on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' decision. The TNI is currently awaiting direction from the government, in this case the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

"We'll wait for an order from the Foreign Minister. Right. This is the Foreign Minister's leading sector. The important thing is to be ready when the Foreign Minister asks for help, we are ready," he said.

Regarding the place that will be used as a place of isolation for Indonesian citizens from Wuhan, China, is in the Hajj Dormitory, Pondok Gede. However, Hadi did not explain in detail whether the place was chosen.

"Yes, the Kapuskes will (take care of the isolation) later," he explained.

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