JAKARTA - Governor Ganjar Pranowo attended the 48th Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah Congress at Manahan Stadium, Central Java. The presence of Ganjar has attracted public attention.

Ganjar became the attention of the community and participants who came from areas throughout the country.

In fact, residents and congress participants immediately approached Ganjar to shake hands and take selfies.

"Pak Ganjar, shake hands sir, take a selfie sir," shouted several residents.

In addition, residents' remarks emerged by saying, "Mr. Ganjar is the President of the Future" and "Mr. Ganjar is My Presidential Candidate".

Ganjar himself was not too disturbed by the screams.

Ganjar Pranowo has been known as a leader who does not limit his distance from the community. Almost every activity goes down directly to meet the community, Ganjar always gets enthusiastic and what he is.

Dalam sejumlah kegiatan tak resmi, Gubernur Jateng ini tak kagok duduk lesehan atau menikah nasi di warung bersama warga.

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