JAKARTA - The case of alleged violence by a high-ranking police officer against a friend at the Police Science College (PTIK), Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, some time ago, received the spotlight from Indonesia Police Watch (IPW).

IPW chairman Sugeng Teguh Santoso asked the police to follow up on the case indiscriminately, even though the alleged perpetrator was the son of a high-ranking police officer with the rank of high commissioner (Kombes).

"Usting the legal process against perpetrators of violence to be processed by the South Jakarta Police is not indiscriminate, let alone protecting even though his father is a member of the police officer with the rank of Kombes," said Sugeng in his statement, Sunday, November 20.

In addition, Sugeng asked the alleged perpetrator not to accept it in the police academy candidate (Akpol). This is because the actions taken by the son of the police chief cannot be carried out as a police officer.

"The seeds of violence already exist, therefore even if RC participates in education it is a note that these acts of violence are not distorted, it can be an excuse to reject the entry of RC in the ranks of candidates for Police Academy," he concluded.

Previously, it was reported that a son of a high-ranking National Police in North Kalimantan (Kaltara) with the initials RC (20) was reported to the South Jakarta Metro Police. This happened because the perpetrator allegedly beat his friend with the initials MFB (16) when he entered the Police Academy (Akpol).

The victim's mother, Yusnawati, said the incident occurred at PTIK Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta Saturday, November 12.

The report has been registered with the number LP/3596/XI/2022/RJS, Saturday 12 November 2022. In addition, his party has also submitted evidence of the results of the post-mortem to the victim.

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