SOLO - Participants of the 48th Muhammadiyah Congress have finished distributing the right to elect members of the Muhammadiyah Central Leadership (PP) for the 2022-2027 period. The congress finally determined 13 elected names.

Chairman of the Committee for the Election of the 48th Muhammadiyah Congress, Ahmad Dahlan Rais, said the election was held directly at the KH Ahmad Dahlan UMS Edurium, Solo on Saturday 19 November night. The selection process uses e-voting

Ahmad continued, the election for the 48th Muhammadiyah Congress used 50 ballot booths. According to him, this is different from the election at the previous congress which used 10 ballot booths, for 207 voters

He explained that the summons for the 48th congress participants to channel their voting rights was carried out alternately by the Election Committee (Panlih).

The first group to be summoned to distribute their voting rights were the General Chairperson and the other Chairman of PP Muhammadiyah.

Then, based on Antara's report, the regions from eastern Indonesia, the middle and to the west were continuously continued. It was observed that the implementation in the field of the selection process went smoothly and shadyly. Participants lined up neatly according to the order.

In the election session, Ahmad Dahlan Rais and Secretary Panlih, Budi Setiawan were directly guided by the election technical explanation delivered by the member of the 48th Panlih Congress of Muhammadiyah, Muchlas MT.

The 13 names selected by members of the Muhammadiyah Central Executive (PP) for the 2022-2027 period and their votes in the 48th Congress are as follows:

Haedar Nashir (2,203 votes), Abdul Mu'ti (2,159) Anwar Abbas (1,820) Busyro Muqoddas (1,778)Hilman Latief (1,675)Muhadjir Effendy (1,598) Syamsul Anwar (1,494)Agung Danarto (1,489)Saad Ibrahim (1,333)Syafiq A Mughni (1,152) DADang Kahmad (1,119)Ahmad Dahlan Rais (1,080)Irwan Akib (1,001).

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