Unable To Buy A Digital STB, Mothers Watch TV At The Kamling Rebutan Post With Boy Search Card Films
The atmosphere of watching together at the Kamling Post, Bukit Duri, Tebet, South Jakarta/ Photo: Jehan/ VOI

JAKARTA Unable to afford digital TV Set Top Boxes (STB), a number of residents on Jalan Tekukur Dalam RT04/003, Bukit Duri, Tebet, South Jakarta, were forced to watch television together at the environmental security post.

One of the residents, Teti Herawati, said that she had not been able to watch television since the government revoked analog TV to digital. And in order to enjoy digital TV broadcasting, she had to buy additional tools, namely a top box set (STB) which costs hundreds of thousands. Because they can't afford it, Teti was forced to watch TV at an environmental security post (Pos Kamling) which is already digital-based.

"TV is dead at home, the model is now digital, so watching it outside the crowds," said Teti when met at her house in Bukit Duri, Tebet, South Jakarta, Friday, November 18.

"About the spectacle, I watch it here anything, follow it. But I like it when I have a ball. It must be mostly watching football," he continued.

Teti admitted that she could not afford STB because the price of the goods was considered expensive for her.

"Boro-boro buys it, just eat it's difficult," he said.

Teti hopes that the government will return the TV channel to what it used to be, namely with an ordinary antenna, not digital. So that he can watch television again.

"I ask to return to normal, antenna first. So that it can be turned on again," he said.

Siti Zubaedah said the same thing. He also could not afford to buy STB because of the inability of his family to buy the digital tool. This forced him to watch television at the environment security post.

"Because of the underprivileged circumstances, this started after the analog to digital transition," said Siti.

Siti said that when she watched television at the curvature security post, she was forced to fight with the children and gentlemen in her neighborhood.

"Usually there are children fighting over the spectacle. Mothers want soap operas, cartoon children," said Siti.

On that basis, he hopes that the government will provide a solution so that he can return to watching television at home again. So that he doesn't fight anymore in watching television.

"Hopefully the residents here can help with the STB subsidy. It can be free. Let the nolong who can't afford it," he concluded.

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