JAKARTA - Candidate for Governor of South Kalimantan serial number 2 Denny Indrayana suspects many irregularities in the vote counting process in the 2020 South Kalimantan Pilkada voting.

As reported by Antara, Saturday, December 12, Denny Indrayana conveyed a number of irregularities, especially regarding the delay in the vote counting process in several regions.

The witness, according to Denny, was having difficulty getting a copy of the C vote count results, he even had to argue with the officer.

"We received information that there were individual KPPS officers who even brought the C-Hasil-KWK form home. Based on the election mechanism, this is clearly prohibited, there could potentially be manipulation of the vote count results at the TPS," he said.

Not only that, Denny Indrayana also felt there was bad treatment towards candidate candidate number 2. Witnesses, he said, many were not given a copy of the C-Hasil-KWK form, or a sheet which would later be used for a certificate of vote count results at the TPS.

Another irregularity, continued Denny, was the matter of counting votes in a number of polling stations where all of the results voted for candidate number 1. The results were exactly the same as the number of voters registered at the polling station.

"There were 3 polling stations and it turned out that there were 10 polling stations where the incident was the same, even the turnout rate reached 100 percent. The voting results were 100 percent, even though the average turnout at TPS was only about 50 percent," he said.

Denny Indrayana suspects that there were fraudulent practices by changing the results of the vote count at the TPS. He confirmed that this allegation could be justified because it had been confirmed by a number of parties.

"There are parties who ask the authorities to change the vote, and after being confirmed it is true. This kind of thing should not be tolerated," he said.

Denny Indrayana emphasized that there were many potential frauds during the vote counting process which was currently underway and that his party confirmed that it would carry out an in-depth investigation.

In addition, Denny Indrayana invited all parties to save the victory of the people of South Kalimantan by overseeing the vote counting process in an honorable and dignified manner.

"We will not remain silent if there is fraud, let alone what goes on in front of our eyes," he said.

In addition, Denny Indrayana also gave a warning to anyone who manipulates votes that he will clearly get a penalty that carries a penalty, namely 12 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 144 million.

Denny Indrayana-Difriadi, Head of the Candidate Winning Team for the Governor of South Kalimantan, Muhammad Rofiqi, stated that the vote count for the South Kalimantan Pilgub in Banjar Regency is in the red zone.

According to him, there are many cases that can harm the candidate pair governor of South Kalimantan, Denny-Difri (H2D), therefore this problem must be the concern of all elements of the election implementer.

"If there is a zone above the red zone, then we dare to say it is above the red zone," he said.

Rofiqi explained that based on the results of the investigation by the H2D Team, a number of alleged violations had occurred, such as ballots being punched first for candidate pair 1 and carried out by KPPS.

Then also the slow vote input for the South Kalimantan Pilgub in Banjar Regency was based on reasons that did not make sense, and the worst was that C1 was asked not to be given the KPU on the grounds that it was not in the regulation.

Looking at this case by case, according to him it is almost certain that there is an element of intent.

"Whoever wins will continue to the Constitutional Court, but the problem is when the C1 is only a photocopy, of course the proof is difficult, because it is not the same as authentic evidence that is both signed," he said.

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