PAPUA - Sorong Agricultural Quarantine conducts socialization related to increased awareness of Avian Influenza or Bird Flu considering the huge potential for livestock in West Papua.

The highlight of the Bird Flu was carried out in a seminar related to the results of regional monitoring of the spread of pests and quarantine animal disease (HPHK) in 2022.

The person in charge of Monitoring the Sorong Agricultural Quarantine Veterinary, Kristiyani Dwi, said that the 2022 HPHK could be used as a reference basis for determining the free status of bird flu disease for West Papua Province.

In the past, he said, Papua Province had been declared free of Avian Influenza since 2017. This is in accordance with Permentan 600 of 2017.

He added that the selection of the focus of the Bird Flu disease based on the 2022 HPHK was based on data on the IQFAST application. Where the frequency of transit and unloading poultry in the Sorong Agricultural Quarantine Working Area is very high.

"The total frequency is 2,583 times the loading and unloading of poultry in four regencies and cities in dedah Sorong Raya," he said, quoted from Antara.

Based on sampling and testing data with hemaglutinasi (HA) and inhibitory hemaglutination (HI) techniques, Kristiyani said that the poultry population in Sorong City, Fakfak Regency, Kaimana, and Raja Ampat were declared serogative or in other words, the prevalence/number of bird flu outbreaks was 0.00 percent.

The head of the Sorong Agricultural Quarantine, I Wayan Kertanegara, said that monitoring the HPHK distribution area, which focuses on the Bird Flu, is one of the efforts to strengthen the livestock sector, especially in the Sorong Raya area.

He said the monitoring of the HPHK distribution area was a routine activity held by the Agricultural Quarantine Agency. Monitoring is carried out by functional animal quarantine officials in each Agricultural Quarantine area.

I Wayan hopes that the results of the seminar can be a priority attention in improving livestock in the Sorong Raya area. He also stated that he was ready to always collaborate and synergize in protecting the Sorong Raya area from the threat of HPHK and OPTK.

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